String reverse without using library function in php | PHP reverse string without strrev | String manipulation programs in php

PHP reverse string without strrev, This is very simple to reverse a String in PHP by using inbuild function strrev. But sometimes in php interview, interviewer may ask how to Reverse a String in PHP without using strrev function or String reverse without using library function in php

There are few simple steps to answer them

  • As you know, that string is a sequence of character, so that why it an array by default.
  • we will declare a variable $i = 0 and run while until end of that string, find the length of string by incremented the value of $i
  • will run another while loop, and start from max length of string, until it’s greater than equal to 0.

Let’s see an example

Reverse a String in PHP without using strrev function

$str = "This is string reverse logic without using any inbuild functions";
$rev = "";
$i = 0;

while(@$str[$i++] != NULL);


while($i >= 0)
    $rev = $rev.@$str[$i--];
echo "Original String : ".$str;
echo "<br><br>reverse String : ".$rev; 
String reverse without using in build function

Note: i have added @ because of PHP is not tightly coupled language, so it will throw notice. Because of @ it will stop showing notice.

Also Read,

Reverse a String in PHP using strrev function

$str = "This is string reverse using strrev functions";
echo "Original String : ".$str;
echo "<br><br>reverse String : ".strrev($str); 
Reverse a String in PHP using strrev function

Comments me below, if you need any help in this.

Pradip Mehta

I am a well-organized professional in Drupal Development and PHP web development with strong script handling knowledge or automation process with PHP. I have advanced computer skills and am a proficient multitasker.