What are some essential skills to become a developer in 2024

There are lots of programming language available in this world, but we talk about only these 3 programming languages and their minimum skills sets require for become a developer

  1. PHP developer
  2. Java developer
  3. .Net developer

Below are the common thinks to keep basic knowledge, for each kind of developers(PHP,JAVA,.NET).

  1. Computer basic knowledge, exp. OS? what is Linux ? how to install/uninstall basic software’s.
  2. HTML: dictates the structure
  3. CSS: will make it look pretty
  4. JavaScript & js library: will make it function
  5. Database: should able to write and understand Structure Query language

1. Skills require for PHP Developer.

If you want to become a PHP developer, there are lots of things available to learn, it’s depend on learner. There are lots of CMS, Frameworks which are designed in PHP, for quick and secure development of Websites, even developers don’t have good technical skill.

some of those are below.

CMS (Content Management System):

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • Typo

E-commerce Platform

  • Magento
  • OpenCart


  • Laravel
  • CodeIgniter
  • Symfony
  • Cake PHP
  • Yii
  • Zend

But for entry level for becoming developer, you must have good knowledge about below skills.

  • PHP Core including OPPs – write strong logic as well problem solving skills with great logic and optimised code.
  • Framework – any one e.g. CodeIgniter
  • MySQL – how to write SQL query as well perform crud option and many more.
  • Server – basic knowledge of Apache/ngnix anyone here most probably XAMPP, WAMP for beginners.
  • Editor/IDE – basic knowledge e.g. Notepad++, sublime, NetBeans anyone.

For more details visit www.learnwebtech.(in)/career-as-a-php-developer/

Note: remove bracket from(in)

2. Skills require for Java Developer.

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is a general-purpose programming language intended to let application developers

write once, run anywhere (WORA). JAVA is biggest and demanded programming language forever. So it’s skills sets are also big compare to others.

  • Java Core: write logic as well problem solving skills with great logic and optimized code.
  • Java Server pages (JSP) and servlets
  • Web frameworks (Struts and Spring)
  • Service-oriented architecture/web services (SOAP/REST)
  • Web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery
  • Markup languages like XML and JSON
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and patterns
  • Java keywords: static, final, volatile, synchronized, transient, this super, etc.
  • Java virtual machine (JVM) and memory management
  • Multithreading and synchronization
  • Dependency injection
  • Database – how to write SQL query as well perform crud option and many more.
  • Editor/IDE – Eclipse, NetBeans anyone.

3. Skills require for Dot Net Developer.

.NET Framework (pronounced as “dot net”) is a software developed by Microsoft that’s run primarily on Microsoft Windows. It is having large libraries and classes but for entry label below are the minimum required skills.

  • ASP Dot NET MVC : MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller. MVC separates an application into three components – Model, View, and Controlled
  • Databases : how to write SQL query as well perform crud option and many more.
  • .Net Core: write logic as well problem solving skills with great logic and optimized code.
  • C# (pronounced “see-sharp”):
  • (IDE) : Visual Studio is a very powerful Integrated Development Environment. Databases : how to write SQL query as well perform crud option and many more.

Pradip Mehta

I am a well-organized professional in Drupal Development and PHP web development with strong script handling knowledge or automation process with PHP. I have advanced computer skills and am a proficient multitasker.

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